Quantitative metabolomics services for biomarker discovery and validation.
Specializing in ready to use metabolomics kits.
Your source for quantitative metabolomics technologies and bioinformatics.

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ACE REN ACE AGT REN ACE AGT Unknown Perindoprilat Perindoprilat Perindopril Perindoprilat glucuronide Angiotensin I Angiotensin II Water Sodium Water Potassium Hydrogen ACE Angiotensin II Aldosterone Angiotensin II Water Vasopressin Created with Snap
ACE REN ACE AGT REN ACE AGT Perlat Perlat Perill PeridpG Zinc Cl Angio1 Ang II H2O Na+ H2O K+ H+ Zinc Cl Zinc Cl ACE Ang II Aldostr Ang II H2O ADH From liver From kidney Into circulation From capillaries of lungs and endothelial cells of kidney Hypothalmus Posterior Pituitary Gland Angiotensin II binds directly to AT1 receptors on the smooth muscle cells of the tunica media layer to induce vasoconstriction of the blood vessel Adrenal Cortex Vasopressin is released from the posterior pituitary gland where it changes the permeability of the collecting ducts to allow for water reabsorption back into the blood circulation Water reabsorption into blood circulation Increase in blood pressure Increase in circulating blood volume Triggers thirst sensation Increase in oral water uptake Reabsorption of Na+ into the blood stream subsequently causes water to follow, thus water retention occurs Potassium and hydrogen ions are simultaneously excreted into the urine Angiotensin binds to receptors in the adrenal cortex to trigger a series of reactions that leads to the synthesis of aldosterone from cholesterol
ACE REN ACE AGT REN ACE AGT Perlat Perlat Perill PeridpG Angio1 Ang II H2O Na+ H2O K+ H2 ACE Ang II Aldostr Ang II H2O ADH Created with Snap