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Pathway Description
Operon: Cytochrome bd Terminal Oxidase appCBXA
Escherichia coli
Protein Pathway
The appCBXA operon in E. coli contains four genes that encode for cytochrome bd-II subunits, as well as an acid phosphatase. The operon is activated in situations with low oxygen by the binding of RNA polymerase sigma factor RpoS. This sigma factor allows RNA polymerase to bind, transcribing the operon. The operon can also be activated by the HTH-type transcriptional regulator AppY, which activates the translation and synthesis of these proteins during growth phase deceleration. It can also stabilize RpoS if the bacteria is stressed.
The operon can be inactivated by the binding of cAMP-activated global transcriptional regulator CRP (CAP). This complex is activated when cAMP levels are high in the cell, and binds to the promoter region, preventing RNA polymerase from transcribing the operon.
The first two genes in the operon, appC and appB, encode the cytochrome bd-II oxidase subunits 1 and 2, which form a heterodimer.
The third gene, appX, encodes a putative cytochrome bd-II ubiquinol oxidase subunit, which may be part of a bd-II oxidase trimer along with the products of appC and appB.
The fourth gene, appA, produces phosphoanhydride phosphorylase, previously referred to as the pH 2.5 acid phosphatase. This enzyme removes a phosphate group from a molecule, and works optimally at a pH of 2.5. It also has its own promoter, and can be transcribed without the rest of the operon.
Operon: Cytochrome bd Terminal Oxidase appCBXA References
Dassa J, Fsihi H, Marck C, Dion M, Kieffer-Bontemps M, Boquet PL: A new oxygen-regulated operon in Escherichia coli comprises the genes for a putative third cytochrome oxidase and for pH 2.5 acid phosphatase (appA) Mol Gen Genet. 1991 Oct;229(3):341-52.
Pubmed: 1658595
Touati E, Danchin A: The structure of the promoter and amino terminal region of the pH 2.5 acid phosphatase structural gene (appA) of E. coli: a negative control of transcription mediated by cyclic AMP. Biochimie. 1987 Mar;69(3):215-21.
Pubmed: 3038201
Vijayakumar SR, Kirchhof MG, Patten CL, Schellhorn HE: RpoS-regulated genes of Escherichia coli identified by random lacZ fusion mutagenesis. J Bacteriol. 2004 Dec;186(24):8499-507. doi: 10.1128/JB.186.24.8499-8507.2004.
Pubmed: 15576800
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