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ABC transporter, substrate- binding lipoprotein Unknown Unknown Broad substrate specificity ATP-binding cassette transporter ABCG2 4- hydroxyphenylacetate decarboxylase glycyl radical subunit Sulfotransferase 1A3/1A4 p- hydroxyphenylpyruvate oxidase Tyrosine aminotransferase p-Cresol sulfate p-Cresol L-Tyrosine L-Tyrosine L-Tyrosine p-Cresol p-Cresol p-Cresol sulfate p-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid p-Cresol 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid O2 CO2 L-Tyrosine Oxoglutaric acid L-Glutamic acid Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate p-Cresol Chronic Kidney disease Oxidative stress and enhanced ROS production Carotid atherosclerosis Hepatic Liver Cell Intestinal Lumen Intestinal epithelial cells Intestinal epithelial cells Intestinal microbe Tyrosine obtained from high protein foods in regular diet Apoptosis
CDR20291_0805 Unknown Unknown ABCG2 hpdB SULT1A3 Unknown TAT p-Cresol sulfate p-Cresol L-Tyrosine L-Tyrosine L-Tyrosine p-Cresol p-Cresol p-Cresol sulfate p- Hydroxyphenylacetic acid p-Cresol 4- Hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid Oxygen Carbon dioxide L-Tyrosine Oxoglutaric acid L-Glutamic acid p-Cresol Chronic Kidney disease Oxidative stress and enhanced ROS production Carotid atherosclerosis
CDR20291_0805 ABCG2 hpdB SULT1A3 TAT PC PCresol Tyr Tyr Tyr PCresol PCresol PC p-Hpaa PCresol 4HPPA O2 CO2 Tyr AKG Glu Pyr-5'P PCresol Ch Ki d O s a e Car ath Hepatic Liver Cell Intestinal Lumen Intestinal epithelial cells Intestinal epithelial cells Intestinal microbe Tyrosine obtained from high protein foods in regular diet Apoptosis
CDR20291_0805 ABCG2 hpdB SULT1A3 TAT PC PCresol Tyr Tyr Tyr PCresol PCresol PC p-Hpaa PCresol 4HPPA O2 CO2 Tyr AKG Glu PCresol Ch Ki d O s a e Car ath