

PathWhiz ID Pathway Meta Data


Pw088224 View Pathway

Nucleotide Sugars Metabolism

Bos taurus
Nucleotide sugars are defined as any nucleotide in which the distal phosphoric residue of a nucleoside 5'-diphosphate is in glycosidic linkage with a monosaccharide or monosaccharide derivative. There are nine sugar nucleotides and they can be classified depending on the type of the nucleoside forming them: UDP-Glc, UDP-Gal, UDP-GlcNAc, UDP-GlcUA, UDP- Xyl, GDP-Man, GDP-Fuc and CMP-NeuNAc. Turning back now to the pathway in question, namely the nucleotide sugar metabolism pathway, it should be noted that the nucleotide sugars play an important role. Indeed, they are donors of certain important residues of sugar which are vital to glycosylation and by extension tot the production of polysaccharides. This process produces the substrates for glycosyltransferases. These sugars have several additional roles. For example, nucleotide sugars serve a vital purpose as the intermediates in interconversions of nucleotide sugars that result in the creation and activation of certain sugars necessary in the glycosylation reaction in certain organisms. Moreover, the process of glycosylation is attributed mostly (though not entirely) to the endoplasmic reticulum/golgi apparatus. Logically then, due to the important role of nucleotide sugars in glycosylation, a plethora of transporters exist which displace the sugars from their point of production, the cytoplasm, to where they are needed. In the case, the endoplasmic reticulum and golgi apparatus.


Pw124177 View Pathway


Homo sapiens


Pw123774 View Pathway

Nutrient Sensing Pathways In Ageing

Homo sapiens


Pw128176 View Pathway
drug action

Nylidrin Action Pathway

Homo sapiens
Nylidrin is a vasodilator used to treat patients with peripheral vascular disorders, and elderly patients with symptoms associated with organic mental disorders. It can be found under the brand name Arlidin. Nylidrin, also known as buphenine belongs to the category of drugs called vasodilators, which relax blood vessels and increase blood flow. Nylidrin is a peripheral vasodilator. Some studies show the evidence of improving cognitive impairment in selected individuals, such as geriatric patients with mild to moderate symptoms of cognitive, emotional and physical impairment. his drug is classified as a beta receptor agonist.The β2-adrenergic receptor belongs to the widely expressed 7-transmembrane receptors superfamily, which signals through heterotrimeric G-proteins. They are frequently referred to as G-protein-coupled receptors because they accomplish signal transduction to the interior of the cell by interactions with guanine nucleotide regulatory binding proteins. The receptor-coupled G-proteins work as “molecular switches” which alternate from an inactive guanosine-diphosphate to an active guanosine-triphosphate (GTP) state, which then act to modulate all downstream cell processes. Signaling by various hormones and neurotransmitters, as well as photons and odors, follows the same general pathway, (i.e., by binding of an extracellular ligand to the receptor, which then interacts with the membrane-bound G-protein). This complex, often referred to as the ternary complex, then acts through the activated G-protein to regulate an effector, such as adenylyl cyclase, phospholipase C, or ion channels. Vascular smooth muscle has β2-adrenoceptors that have a high binding affinity for circulating epinephrine and a lower affinity to norepinephrine released by sympathetic adrenergic nerves. When nylidrin binds to the beta-adrenergic receptors, it prevents the binding of epinephrine, leading to decreased blood vessel contractility as epinephrine is unable to bind.


Pw145664 View Pathway
drug action

Nylidrin Drug Metabolism Action Pathway

Homo sapiens


Pw127397 View Pathway
drug action

Nystatin Action Pathway

Homo sapiens
Nystatin is a polyene ionophore antifungal used to treat cutaneous, mucocutaneous, and gastrointestinal mycotic infections, particularly those caused by Candida species. It is one of the most effective antifungal agents synthesized by bacteria, in this case a strain of Streptomyces noursei, and is closely related to amphotericin B, differing only slightly in structure. As it undergoes very little absorption following oral or topical administration, nystatin's efficacy is limited to the treatment/prevention of cutaneous, mucocutaneous, and gastrointestinal fungal infections. Nystatin is available in oral formulations for the treatment and/or prevention of oral candidiasis (a.k.a. thrush), intestinal candidiasis, and anal candidiasis. It is indicated topically for the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis and other cutaneous candida infections. Nystatin is a channel-forming ionophore, meaning it exerts its therapeutic effect via formation of a membrane-spanning pore in the fungal plasma membrane. The formation of this pore results in a change in membrane permeability that allows for leakage of intracellular contents and the subsequent disruption of electrochemical gradients necessary for proper cell function. Selectivity for fungal cells over mammalian cells is due to nystatin’s greater binding affinity for ergosterol, a key sterol found in fungal cell walls, as opposed to its mammalian counterpart, cholesterol.


Pw144759 View Pathway
drug action

Nystatin Drug Metabolism Action Pathway

Homo sapiens


Pw002089 View Pathway

O-Antigen Building Blocks Biosynthesis

Escherichia coli
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a major component of outer membrane which is consisted of lipid A-core (oligosaccharide) on both inner and outer region and O-antigen (known as distal repeating unit with four sugars: N-acetylglucosamine, glucose, rhamnose and galactose). O-antigen is part of three domains of LPS, which is attached to lipid A-core; however, O-antigen and lipid A-core are synthesized separately. In this pathway, synthesis of three of O-antigen sugars is demonstrated. UDP-α-D-galactose is converted to UDP-D-Galacto-1,4-furanose by facilitation of UDP-galactopyranose mutase. dTTP glucose-1-phosphate is derivatized to dTDP-rhamnose. Fructose-6-phosphate gains an amino group, incorporates an acetate moiety and then acquires a nucleoside diphosphate resulting in UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine.


Pw123561 View Pathway

O-Antigen Building Blocks Biosynthesis

Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a major component of outer membrane which is consisted of lipid A-core (oligosaccharide) on both inner and outer region and O-antigen (known as distal repeating unit with four sugars: N-acetylglucosamine, glucose, rhamnose and galactose). O-antigen is part of three domains of LPS, which is attached to lipid A-core; however, O-antigen and lipid A-core are synthesized separately. In this pathway, synthesis of three of O-antigen sugars is demonstrated. UDP-α-D-galactose is converted to UDP-D-Galacto-1,4-furanose by facilitation of UDP-galactopyranose mutase. dTTP glucose-1-phosphate is derivatized to dTDP-rhamnose. Fructose-6-phosphate gains an amino group, incorporates an acetate moiety and then acquires a nucleoside diphosphate resulting in UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine.


Pw000213 View Pathway

Obesity / Metabolic Syndrome

Homo sapiens
In Obesity/Metabolic Syndrome, high plasma fatty acids regulate genes responsible for increase insulin resistance, visceral fat deposits, fatty acid oxidation, and thermogenesis. Many of these responses have a role in metabolic syndrome, obesity and diabetes. Glucocorticoid receptor (GR) regulates several genes that have been implicated in insulin sensitivity. The glucocorticoid receptor is activated by binding to cortisol which is supplied by the conversion of cortisone by corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase. The mechanism for increased visceral fat levels is the over expression of lipoprotein lipase from glucocorticoid receptor activity. Lipoprotein lipase increases free fatty acids in tissues by cleaving fatty acids from triacylglycerols. PPAR-gamma is a fatty acid activated transcription factor involved in a complicated regulatory network of transcription factors that modulated fatty acid oxidation, thermogenesis and mitochondria biogenesis.