

PathWhiz ID Pathway Meta Data


Pw122366 View Pathway

Irinotecan Metabolism

Rattus norvegicus


Pw122355 View Pathway

Irinotecan Metabolism

Homo sapiens
Irinotecan, branded as Camptosar, Campto, Onivyde and others, is a cancer medication used to treat colon and small cell lung cancers, alone or with other drugs. Irinotecan can be processed by the cytochrome P450 3A4 enzyme, producing both the side product glutaral, as well as a compound called NPC. the NPC can then be catalyzed by liver carboxylesterase 1 to form 7-ethyl-10-hydroxy-camptothecin, or SN-38. Alternatively, irinotecan can directly form SN-38 via catalysis by liver carboxylesterase 1. After its formation, SN-38 is converted to SN-38 glucuronide by UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B11. This can then be converted back to SN-38 in the lysosome by beta-glucuronidase, or can be excreted as the end product of the pathway.


Pw122367 View Pathway

Irinotecan Metabolism

Danio rerio


Pw122379 View Pathway

Irinotecan Metabolism

Caenorhabditis elegans


Pw000576 View Pathway
drug metabolism

Irinotecan Metabolism Pathway

Homo sapiens
Irinotecan is a medication commonly sold as Camptosar, used to stop the growth of cancer cells, and to stop the spread of cancer cells in the human body. Specifically cancers of the rectum and of the colon. Commonly used in combination with chemotherapy. Irinotecan works through its active metabolite, SN-38, which inhibits the action of topoisomerase I. This enzyme is responsible for creating single-strand breaks in DNA during replication. These single-strands are reversible. SN-38 and Irinotecan binding to topoisomerase I-DNA complex results in the prevention of religation the DNA strand mentioned above, which creates double-strand DNA breakage. This breakage leads to cell death. Irinotecan is taken orally, but can also be injected.


Pw125961 View Pathway
drug action

Irinotecan Topoisomerase Inhibitor Action Pathway

Homo sapiens
Irinotecan is a semi-synthetic analogue of camptothecin which is a topoisomerase IB inhibitor. It is used to treat colorectal cancer. It's mechanism of action against topoisomerase I is that it forms a tertiary complex between the DNA and the topoisomerase I enzyme causing double strand breaks. It first has to be metabolized by liver carboxylesterase 1 into SN-38, which is the active metabolite that inhibits topoisomerase. SN-38 can be inactivated by UGT1A1 into SN-38 glucuronide which upregulated in some individuals leading to irinotecan resistance. Individuals might also have a reduced function variant of UGT1A1 which can lead to increased metabolism of irinotecan and leads to irinotecan toxicity. Toxicity of irinotecan leads to gastrointestinal complications as well as nausea, vomiting and headaches. Irinotecan is administered usually intravenously as a solution.


Pw144995 View Pathway
drug action

Iron Dextran Drug Metabolism Action Pathway

Homo sapiens


Pw145461 View Pathway
drug action

Iron Drug Metabolism Action Pathway

Homo sapiens


Pw146503 View Pathway
drug action

Iron isomaltoside 1000 Drug Metabolism Action Pathway

Homo sapiens


Pw146301 View Pathway
drug action

Iron protein succinylate Drug Metabolism Action Pathway

Homo sapiens