

PathWhiz ID Pathway Meta Data


Pw145208 View Pathway
drug action

Diazoxide Drug Metabolism Action Pathway

Homo sapiens


Pw146632 View Pathway
drug action

Dibekacin Drug Metabolism Action Pathway

Homo sapiens


Pw146613 View Pathway
drug action

Dibenzepin Drug Metabolism Action Pathway

Homo sapiens


Pw126661 View Pathway
drug action


Homo sapiens
Dibucaine is an amide anesthetic used for local and regional anesthesia , it is one of the most potent and toxic long acting local anesthetics it is restricted mainly to spinal anesthesia. The mechanism of action is by blocking the initiation and conduction of nerve impulses, it disturbs the neuronal membrane permeabillity to sodium ions by inhibiting the sodium channel. By binding of dibucaine to the membrane it stabilizes it and inhibits the depolarization thus resulting in a failure to propagate an action potential and blocks conduction. Dibucaine ionized forms (salts) are not absorbed through intact skin, although nonionized (bases) and ionized forms are absorbed into the circulation if the skin is abraded. If too much dibucaine is administered this can lead to overdose, this can be seen through the following symptoms convulsions, hypoxia, acidosis, bradycardia, arrhythmias and cardiac arrest.


Pw000402 View Pathway
drug action

Dibucaine Action Pathway

Homo sapiens
Dibucaine exerts its local anaesthetic effect by blocking voltage-gated sodium channels in peripheral neurons. Dibucaine diffuses across the neuronal plasma membrane in its uncharged base form. Once inside the cytoplasm, it is protonated and this protonated form enters and blocks the pore of the voltage-gated sodium channel from the cytoplasmic side. For this to happen, the sodium channel must first become active so that so that gating mechanism is in the open state. Therefore dibucaine preferentially inhibits neurons that are actively firing.


Pw146993 View Pathway

Dibucaine Drug Metabolism Pathway

Homo sapiens


Pw132300 View Pathway

Dichloralphenazone Drug Metabolism

Homo sapiens
Dichloralphenazone is a drug that is not metabolized by the human body as determined by current research and biotransformer analysis. Dichloralphenazone passes through the liver and is then excreted from the body mainly through the kidney.


Pw145439 View Pathway
drug action

Dichloralphenazone Drug Metabolism Action Pathway

Homo sapiens


Pw145837 View Pathway
drug action

Dichloroacetic acid Drug Metabolism Action Pathway

Homo sapiens


Pw146742 View Pathway
drug action

Dichlorobenzene Drug Metabolism Action Pathway

Homo sapiens