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Pathway Description
Histidine Metabolism
Arabidopsis thaliana
Metabolite Pathway
Created: 2016-05-04
Last Updated: 2025-01-25
The biosynthesis of histidine begins with the transformation of D-ribose 5-phosphate through an ATP driven pyrophosphokinase resulting in the release of AMP, hydrogen ion and a phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate. The resulting compound then reacts with an ATP phosphoribosyltransferase resulting in the release of pyrophosphate and 1-(5-phosphoribosyl)-ATP. The latter compound then reacts with a histidine biosynthesis bifunctional protein resulting in the release of hydrogen ion, a pyrophosphate and phosphoribosyl-AMP. The resulting compound is then dehydrated through a histidine biosynthesis trifunctional protein resulting in the release of a phosphoribosylformiminoAICAR-phosphate. This compound then reacts with a 1-(5-phosphoribosyl)-5-[(5-phosphoribosylamino)methylideneamino] imidazole-4-carboxamide isomerase resulting in the release of a phosphoribulosylformimino-AICAR-P. This resulting compound then reacts with an L-glutamine through a imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase hisHF resulting in the release of glutamic acid, AICAR, hydrogen ion and D-Erythro-imidazoles glycerol phosphate. The latter compound reacts with a imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase results in the release of a water molecule and imidazole acetol-phosphate. The resulting compound reacts with L-glutamic acid through a histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase resulting in the release of oxoglutaric acid L-histidinol phosphate. Histidinol phosphate reacts with a water molecule through a histidinol-phosphatase resulting in the release of a phosphate and a histidinol. The resulting compound reacts with an NAD driven histidine biosynthesis trifunctional protein resulting in the release of histidinol. Histidinol reacts with water through a histidine biosynthesis trifunctional protein resulting in the release of L-histidine. Histidine is then degraded into histamine.
Histidine Metabolism References
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Pubmed: 9733547
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