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Pathway Description
Chlorophyll a Degradation I
Arabidopsis thaliana
Metabolite Pathway
Created: 2017-02-24
Last Updated: 2025-01-25
Chlorophyll a degradation is the process in leaf senescence and fruit ripening observable due to its characteristic loss of green colouring. There are two pathways for chlorophyll a degradation. This first pathway, largely occurring in the chloroplast, is hypothesized to be operational during fruit senescence and as an immune respone. First, chlorophyllase catalyzes the conversion of chlorophyll a into chlorophyllide a and phytol. Second, the predicted enzyme magnesium dechelatase (coloured orange in the image) is theorized to release Mg2+ from chlorophyllide to form pheophorbide a. Pheophorbide a has two fates. Either it is transported out of the chloroplast by a predicted pheophorbide a transporter and converted into pyropheophorbide a by the probable pheophorbidase enzyme (coloured orange in the image) or it it continues on to eventually become a primary fluorescent chlorophyll catabolite. Continuing along the main branch, pheophorbide a oxygenase, localized to the chloroplast membrane (coloured dark green in the image), catalyzes the conversion of pheophorbide into epoxypheophorbide a. Next, epoxypheophorbide and water spontaneously converts into red chlorophyll catabolite. Last, red chlorophyll catabolite reductase (RCCR) converts red chlorophyll catabolite into primary fluorescent chlorophyll catabolite.
Chlorophyll a Degradation I References
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Pubmed: 10617198
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