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Lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase Oteseconazole 4,4-Dimethylcholesta- 8,14,24-trienol Oteseconazole Lanosterol O2 NADPH Formic acid H+ H2O NADP Ergosterol is essential in maintaining membrane integrity in fungi. Without ergosterol, the fungus cell cannot synthesize membranes thereby increasing fluidity and preventing growth of new cells Steroid Biosynthesis Ergosterol Heme Fungal yeast cell Bud of Fungus Cell Oteseconazole, like other imidazoles, inhibits the production of ergosterol by inhibiting Lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase Oteseconazole is applied topically to the infected area which is commonly used for vulvovaginal infections. Vagina cell Endoplasmic Reticulum Fungal Cell
Endoplasmic Reticulum ERG11 Oteseconazole 4,4- Dimethylcholesta- 8,14,24- trienol Oteseconazole Lanosterol Oxygen NADPH Formic acid Hydrogen Ion Water NADP Steroid Biosynthesis Ergosterol
ERG11 Otese FF-Mas Otese Lastrol O2 NADPH Formate H+ H2O NADP Ergosterol is essential in maintaining membrane integrity in fungi. Without ergosterol, the fungus cell cannot synthesize membranes thereby increasing fluidity and preventing growth of new cells PW127409 Ergoste Heme Fungal yeast cell Bud of Fungus Cell Oteseconazole, like other imidazoles, inhibits the production of ergosterol by inhibiting Lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase Oteseconazole is applied topically to the infected area which is commonly used for vulvovaginal infections. Vagina cell Endoplasmic Reticulum Fungal Cell
Endoplasmic Reticulum ERG11 Otese FF-Mas Otese Lastrol O2 NADPH Formate H+ H2O NADP PW127409 Ergoste