Quantitative metabolomics services for biomarker discovery and validation.
Specializing in ready to use metabolomics kits.
Your source for quantitative metabolomics technologies and bioinformatics.

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Endoplasmic Reticulum Mitochondria Chka Pcyt2 Ptdss1 Pisd Cept1 PC(16:1(9Z)/16:0) Ethanolamine Adenosine triphosphate O- Phosphoethanolamine Adenosine diphosphate Hydrogen Ion Cytidine triphosphate Pyrophosphate CDP- ethanolamine L-Serine Choline PS(16:1(9Z)/16:0) PS(16:1(9Z)/16:0) PE(16:1(9Z)/16:0) Carbon dioxide DG(16:1(9Z)/16:0/0:0) Cytidine monophosphate PE(16:1(9Z)/16:0) Phosphatidylcholine Biosynthesis